Julia .

Pedigree Julia .

CH. NL, Standing Strong Twice as Nice, W'08,JW'08,Youth Champion

As Henk Westbroek sings in his song, “Julia”,  “…even your name is beautiful”. Well, I think she’s gorgeous.
She is the daughter of Gloria and William, who lives in Sweden.


As a little pup, she caught our attention with her good behaviour. When I cleaned the puppies, she just put her head in the bucket, grabbed the towel and started shaking it, covering everything with soap. When I finally managed to get the towel back, the game started all over again.

I couldn’t resist her, so she just had to stay.

Julia is still a very funny, crazy dog, who loves to play with her brother Niels, just running around the garden, full of fun and enthusiasm. She’s my spoiled little girl, who always wants to come and be with me.

Julia is great at helping with the laundry. When the dryer door is open, even just a crack, she takes out the laundry for us.

She excels at digging holes in the lawn, excavating entire molehills. “Look, Mum, he was here. Isn’t that great?”


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